House System is unique feature of Dhemaji College. It was introduced in the Academic Session 2004-05. With a view to effect closer contact between students and teachers, to oversee the regular progress of the students, the students of the College are divided into different groups under different House Names and each House is under the supervision of a Group of Teachers in the college. The proctorial groups meet periodically to sort out the various issues and problems of the students in the free, frank and yet cordial manner. The Proctorial or House System of Dhemaji College is supervised by a President and Coordinator. The Principal of the College is the Head of this Proctorial System. The aim of the House system is to feel, interact and understand the students from a close position and to guide them accordingly on their educational, socio-economic, moral and other aspects of life.

At present the college has the following Houses with different categories of students